Using the Calculator

When you first login you will be taken to the calculator. From here you will be asked to select how much you wish to send or how much you want your recipient to receive.

Navigating the Calculator

Entering Amounts

Use the calculator to tell us how much you want to transfer or how much you would like the recipient to receive.


Selecting Currencies

The calculator is also used to tell us what currency you would like to transfer and what currency your recipient will receive. To change the currency select the drop-down menu and choose the relevant option.



The send and receive currencies will save to your history, so you won't have to change them every time you want to create a transfer

Next Steps

Once you have selected the correct amounts and currency pair, select 'Make Transfer' to get started!

As this is your first transfer we will need some details about you to complete your profile. 

Next: Complete the About You Section