If you are making a large transfer or have sent a number of transfers over a given period, we will be required to request some further information to substantiate the source of the funds/wealth.
This requirement is one placed on us by the regulators in each jurisdiction in which we operate. Essentially we are required to understand how you got the funds you wish to transfer internationally.
Based on how you tell us you got the funds we may require documentation to support this. For example, if you sold your house, we may ask you for a property settlement statement (from your solicitor) showing the proceeds and how they were paid to you.
There is no definitive list of the documents that are acceptable but generally most requests can be satisfied by supplying one of the documents listed below:
- Latest bank statement and corresponding payslip showing your weekly/monthly income or simply your latest bank statement showing your weekly/monthly pay being paid into this account and savings statement (if available).
- Relevant tax forms showing your yearly gross earnings for your most recent period of employment.
- Property Settlement Statement (usually obtained from your solicitor) or Loan agreement, and a screenshot of your bank account showing the funds available under your name.
These documents must be clearly identifiable as belonging to accounts linked to the OrbitRemit account holder. Further to this please ensure the documents provided clearly show your name and address.
If we need documents from you we will send you a message to let you know exactly what we require. You can attach documents directly to the support ticket.