If your transfer has been marked as 'Awaiting Update' it usually means we have encountered a problem in completing your transfer.
This status is generated when the beneficiary account details you have supplied are invalid; most likely the account number is incorrect or the account name you have input doesn't match what the bank has associated with the account.
Steps to provide updated/alternate account details:
- Navigate your way to the 'Recipients' tab in your OrbitRemit account and delete the invalid recipient details.
- Select the '+' on the OrbitRemit app or the 'Add Recipient' if logged in using the website.
- Check if the new recipient details you've added are all correct.
- Reply to the message we've sent to your registered email address that you've created new recipient details.
Upon completion of these steps, your Awaiting Update transfer will be voided and rebooked under a new transfer number with the updated recipient details.